We are currently working with qualified buyers who are actively looking for the following types of businesses:
- Several qualified buyers are looking for transportation and/or logistics businesses
- A cash buyer is looking to acquire insurance brokerage or book of business
- A cash buyer is looking to acquire an interest in or to purchase out an established business with sales revenue of $5M+
- Established manufacturing, wholesale distribution, or service-oriented business in Alberta, BC, Saskatchewan with EBITDA of $500,000 - $2,000,000
- Outdoor recreational business in Alberta or BC with SDE of $250,000 - $1,000,000
- Commercial and/or residential property management business
- Real Estate related business with sales revenue of $5M+, preferably with an IT component
- Technology business with data collection and utilization component
- Established B to B business with sales revenue of $2M+
- Strategic buyer in industrial electric equipment service and repair business with its own industrial premises is looking to expend into related fields
- Accounting practices of various sizes
- Licensed daycare in Calgary
- O&G service company with up to $5M in revenue
- Established industrial business with enterprise value of around $1,000,000
- Established service-oriented businesses with $2M-$3M enterprise value
- Food franchises with history of stable earnings
- Equipment rental business with SDE of $300,000-$500,000
- Manufacturing business with sales revenue of around $5M